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Saturday, October 30, 2021

米RivianがIPO目論見書を公開、アジアなどでもEV販売を計画 - TechCrunch Japan

There’s a new venture studio in the world that looks rather different from earlier venture studios from a structural standpoint. Unlike renowned outfits like Atomic or Science or Expa that create co

For some founders, tying themselves to impact is a way to play into trends and get noticed by investors, but there's a fine line between impact and pushing a narrative for marketing purposes.

Is Southeast Asia about to hit an inflection point for tech startups? Four hundred million people in the region already use the internet, but by year’s end, one estimate suggests that 80% of the

Hello friends and welcome to Daily Crunch, bringing you the most important startup, tech and venture capital news in a single package.

Your bot is an extension of your company and is likely to be the first interaction a customer will have on your website or app. Use this opportunity to showcase the qualities your customers want.

A day after Facebook’s rebranding as Meta (and simultaneous and unceremonious dropping of the Oculus brand), the company announced that it is acquiring Within. The Los Angeles firm is the developer

The Udemy IPO might seem like good news. After all, the company sold more than $420 million worth of its stock while going public at a price that surpassed its final private-market price. And yet.

Amazon disclosed Friday that it owns a 20% stake in Rivian, the electric automaker that filed for an IPO earlier this month. As of September 30, the e-commerce giant held equity investments, including

Buy now, pay later (BNPL) is an old form of payment that is new again in a big way. And that could mean trouble for BNPL fintechs that are just getting to know the world of lending.

There’s nothing like the growing pains of new adulthood, but for college-aged Gen Zers who have spent these formative years in lockdown, it can be even more difficult to form meaningful friendsh

The toughest questions most entrepreneurs face will involve international expansion. Whether to, when to, where to and how to expand all involve a wealth of complex considerations.

Auto rental giant Hertz gave its strongest signal to the markets that it had resurrected from bankruptcy with this week’s news that it would purchase 100,000 Tesla vehicles for a reported $4.2 b

When online shopping, you’ve probably come across photos that spin around so you can see a product from all angles. This is typically done by taking a number of photos of a product from all angl

Granted, there aren’t many cities where self-driving water taxis are a viable option, but Amsterdam may just be one of those places. This week, scientists from MIT’s Computer Science and Artif

Arc, a startup that launched 10 months ago with ambitions to electrify everything on the water, starting with a limited-edition $300,000 boat, has captured the attention and capital of some of the ent

Former President Trump’s new social network might be in hot water before it even launches. Mastodon, a free social media framework, alleges that Truth Social is passing open source software off

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission must thoroughly investigate Facebook and enforce our laws.

The Big Three cloud infrastructure vendors — Amazon, Microsoft and Google — all reported earnings this week. As you might expect, they did just fine with a growing market that passed $45 b

Twitter is rolling out the ability for all iOS users globally to Super Follow select creators. The option was previously only available to users in the U.S. and Canada. Super Follows allow users to su

Zeit Medical, which makes an early warning system for strokes during sleep, has raised $2 million in a seed round just after leaving Y Combinator’s Summer 2021 cohort. The company’s work s

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米RivianがIPO目論見書を公開、アジアなどでもEV販売を計画 - TechCrunch Japan
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英政府、水際対策で全ての渡航者に渡航前検査の再導入を発表(英国) | ビジネス短信 - ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)

英国政府は12月4日、新型コロナウイルスの変異株「オミクロン」の感染拡大を受け、イングランドに渡航する12歳以上の全ての人に、入国前48時間以内のPCR検査または迅速抗原検査の陰性証明の提示を義務付けることを発表した( プレスリリース )。同措置は、12月7日午前4時から適用され...